dp = [[0 for w in range(101)] for h in range(101)]
_map = [[0 for w in range(101)] for h in range(101)] # 01
state = [[0 for w in range(101)] for h in range(101)] # 012
dxdy = [[1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1]]
def solution(m, n, puddles):
now = []
now.append([1, 1])
new = []
M = 1000000007
for x,y in puddles:
while now:
for x, y in now:
for dx, dy in dxdy:
nx = x+dx
ny = y+dy
if nx >= 1 and ny >= 1 and nx <= m and ny <= n and _map[ny][nx] == 0 and state[ny][nx] != 2:
dp[ny][nx] = (dp[ny][nx]+dp[y][x]) % M
if state[ny][nx] == 0:
state[ny][nx] = 1
new.append([nx, ny])
for x, y in now:
state[y][x] = 2
now = new[:]
return dp[n][m]
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